Quality and energy policy
Quality and energy policy
The company maintains certified management systems. Since 1997 a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and since 2015 an energy management system according to DIN EN ISO 50001.
With the definition of the following quality and energy policy, the management of our company defines the framework with regard to the principles of the management systems and the goals of the company.
Customer satisfaction
Our customers have the highest priority. We listen carefully to our customers and are therefore able to translate their needs and expectations into customized solutions that meet their needs (budget, delivery times, timeframes and services/products).
The goal of lasting customer satisfaction can only be achieved if we offer products and services that fully meet the actual needs of our customers.
Conservation of resources
In our company, reducing energy consumption is an important part of corporate policy. We are aware that our activities affect the energy balance. It is therefore our duty to reduce the consumption of energy to the possible minimum within the framework of economic and technical possibilities and by means of well thought-out processes.
Our responsibility in dealing with energy and resources requires the identification and evaluation of our significant energy aspects as well as
the fulfilment of the defined company goals and their verification by means of measurable characteristics.
Based on our shared responsibility towards people and the environment, we have set ourselves the goal of reconciling profitable production by improving energy performance and avoiding or reducing energy waste wherever this is technically and organisationally possible and economically viable.
Compliance with legal requirements
It is our goal to manufacture products that permanently meet the requirements and expectations of our customers.
For this purpose, processes and production equipment are used which correspond to the state of the art in science and technology. All production and testing phases are carefully planned and carried out accordingly.
It is a matter of course for us to comply with legal and official regulations and other quality- and energy-related interests as well as the requirements we set ourselves regarding the quality of our products and energy consumption, and to exceed them where possible.
Continuous improvement
Measures to increase the quality of our products and services and to improve our energy-related performance are identified by means of permanent and continuous improvement processes and their implementation is given top priority.all organisational, commercial and technical processes are constantly reviewed with the aim of avoiding errors and increasing efficiency.the continuous improvement of our energy-related performance is an important contribution to reducing energy consumption in the medium and long term and thus also a prerequisite for effectively reducing costs and maintaining our competitiveness in an extremely strong competitive environment. We have set quantified quality and energy targets to ensure this continuous improvement process. A trouble-free organization, advanced management methods and the state of the art in gentle technology provide the necessary framework for this.
In order to continue to meet the growing needs of the market in the future and set ourselves apart from our competitors,
we must constantly develop and offer new sophisticated products and services.

Supplier Relations
An organisation and its suppliers are interdependent. Creating trust, fair contracts and delivery conditions contribute to satisfaction.
Relationships for mutual benefit increase the value added on both sides.
Employees and managers
Our employees are our greatest strength. Their sense of responsibility is constantly promoted and trained within the framework of our management systems. One of our most important tasks is to further develop the skills and know-how of our employees. We want to support this by constantly improving the working environment and regular training. Management employees are obliged to apply the management practices applicable in their area of responsibility, to constantly monitor their effectiveness and to adapt them to the latest knowledge and requirements.
Through personal example, open communication and the involvement of employees in decision-making processes,
the personal responsibility and the quality and energy awareness of the employees should be promoted.
Management commitment
The management ensures that the quality and energy management systems can achieve their intended results. Undesirable effects are prevented if possible or at least reduced to a minimum. Errors in the system are systematically investigated with the aim of achieving continuous improvement of the management systems. Top management ensures that all legal and other requirements to which the company has committed itself are met. The management undertakes to plan measures for dealing with opportunities and risks in a targeted manner.
It initiates the necessary activities for integration into the management systems and ensures that they are implemented.
The planning includes the way in which the effectiveness of these measures is assessed.